About Us
The purposes of this Association are set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and are further elaborated as follows:
- Industry Education
To collect, correlate and disseminate information of value to the members concerning any and all aspects of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contracting Industry. - Industry Relations
To establish and maintain harmonious and proper relationships between the members and with related organizations with whom members must correlate their efforts: and to participate in activities jointly with other associations, agencies or civic bodies in matters of mutual interest. - Standards
To research and develop standards appropriate to the betterment of the industry and its services to the public; and to promote such standards through cooperative effort and publish facts so that the general public, other businesses and associations will be acquainted with them and with industry objectives. - Industry Representation
To provide adequate and necessary regional representation on behalf of the industry in dealing with government agencies, other industry groups, representatives of labor and of the public. Included in this function, but not limited to, are such activities as: Labor negotiations, dispute settlements, jurisdictional representation, and other activities designed to promote labor-management harmony and stability for the benefit of firms operating within the Association's area and for their employees; Participation in joint union-management committees in the interests of sheet metal and air conditioning employers; Participation in joint industry, inter-association committees and other agencies on behalf of the Association members. - Business Studies
To initiate, promote and document studies directed toward the solution of present and future problems incident to this industry. - Industry Advancement
Acting as agent for the expenditure of and accounting for Industry Fund contributions donated by employers in the area, to undertake any and all activities and programs to provide a more favorable climate for profitable development of the sheet metal industry, to further its technological
progress and to adapt it to changing conditions. - Training
To provide jointly with the local union of sheet metal workers for the operation of programs of training for apprentices and journeymen; and to further the training of management, technical and administrative personnel in the industry.